AmeriNZ 212 – Tough go shopping

amerinz_podcast_150x150First up today I have an important announcement. Then, it’s all about me—as it should be, of course. I tell you about my Adventure Shopping, and then correct what may have been a grievous error (or not). I also tell you how old Bella is, and have some fun at the expense of other podcasters.

Note: I will not be doing a live show this week.

Archerr will do a live group show on Pride 48 starting at 8:00pm Eastern North American time on Thursday, April 29 (Noon Friday, April 30 New Zealand time). You can join other listeners in the chatroom, where you can also ask questions or make comments as the show is streamed.

Links for this episode

Vera Speaks… For Real
Big Fatty Online
Fairy Princess Holly’s fundraising page for the Walk for Animals

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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4 thoughts on “AmeriNZ 212 – Tough go shopping

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Well, lookee there: I actually posted an episode! "AmeriNZ 212 – Tough go shopping" --

  2. Thank you for those VERY kind words my special lovie. And I loved this episode….and NOT just because you mentioned me in it!!!

    Thanks for podcasting kisses,

  3. Hi, Arthur – Can’t say I’m devastated about the live show drought. Your studio shows are not only easier for you to do, but for this listener, they tend to be more disciplined, that is to say, stay on point.
    Did I mention that I really liked the interview show the other week?

  4. Hi Arthur,

    I’m a first time caller, first time listener. I’ve heard about your show for a while but this was the first chance I got to listen. I like your voice and format so I plan to get caught up on your episodes.

    We have a few things in common: we podcast, we’re both from Illinois, we’re both expats, and British Columbia looks a lot like New Zealand.

    I’ve also noticed the death of CDs. Now it’s happening to DVDs. The Blue Rays are squeezing out the regular old DVDs at several stores.

    Anyway, take care,


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