I recorded this on Wednesday and I thought I had some things to edit. Time passed. I thought I’d just re-record, then I listened again and thought, “what the hell?”. So, here—a few days later—is that episode.
I begin with a cautionary tale about language. Then, it’s on to New Zealand politics and my “analysis” of what’s going on. A Bella Report continues today’s theme before we head to comments, audio and written. Thank you all!!
Today’s closing music is “Run to the Music” by Degrees.
Link for this episode
Degrees – Part I
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Know what term initially startled, and still baffles me? The Jew’s harp: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jew's_harp
BTW, Betty White described herself as “88 and a half” on Saturday Night Live in May. Yeah, I have heard some people over 80 use at least the “half” description, tho my mother (82 and a half) does not. Happy half birthday!