AmeriNZ 77 – Campaign continues

Episode 77 is now available, and it’s free no matter where you get it from. You can listen to it or download it through the player at the bottom of this post, or subscribe for free through iTunes here (you must have the free iTunes player installed). You can also listen to it for free through the player on my MySpace page.

This has been a very big week in American politics: The Republican campaign ended, and the Democratic one didn’t. Today Holly from We’re Mean Because You’re Stupid Podcast joins me for a wide-ranging, and unashamedly biased, political discussion.

Who could be John McCain’s running mate? One name mentioned is the governor of Holly’s state. So, what’s he like? We’ve never heard of many of the other people being mentioned.

We don’t have much patience with Democrats who say it’s their candidate or nothing. We think it’s childish. Both Clinton and Obama are better than McCain. I think that Democrats have to be smarter in presenting their campaign and stop trying to argue a liberal or progressive position on conservative issues. We think the Dems have to avoid being “swift boated” again.

My one year anniversary of podcasting is the end of the month, so you still have time to send me a message. Ring my US listener line or email an MP3 arthur @

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