Anthony’s idea was to resurrect the group discussions of a former podcast. He wrote: “Join us as we discuss this week’s news affecting the Gay community. Leave your feedback at www.ThisWeekInGay.com.” I like what Anthony is doing with the podcast, and I think it’ll get even better as it gets going. Personally, I think it takes most podcasts awhile to start to “work”, but maybe that was just true for me.
Anyway, for a group discussion on current events, check out This Week in Gay.

I couldn’t make a comment on the website because the CAPTCHA image wouldn’t show, either in IE or Firefox.
Tim Tebow plays for the Denver Broncos, not the Saints. Present tense. Went to college at Florida and was the first sophomore to win the Heisman Trophy.
David Tyree is retired from the New York Giants, and made the incredible “helmet” catch in the Super Bowl. Went to college at Syracuse.
Thanks for the comment—and the correction/clarification, because I certainly wouldn’t have known about either!
Also, I told Anthony there was a problem with CAPTCHA at TWIGY, and he seems to have fixed it. Thanks for the heads up.
I went ahead and removed the CAPTCHA checking. My apologies for the inconvenience.
I forget who said that there had not been a Catholic president, but he clearly forgot about JFK. If I remember right, the question of possible “split loyalty” (the old canard raised against anyone who isn’t of an acceptable Protestant sect) was in fact raised during his run for pres.