Last week I had one set of updates about Covid in New Zealand, and then everything changed a couple days later—and then kept changing. I talk about that first, before talking about some sad news I didn’t mention last week, followed by an update on one of my projects.
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Links for this episode
“COVID-19: Vaccine data” – This is the official data from the NZ Ministry of Health, updated weekly.
“Northland moves to Alert Level 3 tonight” – 1News
“Back up to Level 3” – My blog post on Waikato going to Level 3.
“The worried well” – My blog post from yesterday, before the new announcement.
Super Saturday – From the official government website.
“Farewell, Jake” – My blog post on Jake’s death.
“Open, says me” – My post on the development on my Mac Project.
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I’ve actually listened a total of two podcasts on my phone in my whole life: this one and the previous one.
I suppose I could make some sort of joke about how you’ve listened to quality, but I’m far too humble to make a joke like that. So, um, something less braggadocious, like, um, I’ve got it: interesting!