AmeriNZ 406 – Interregnum continues

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016New Zealand still doesn’t have a government—that is, the new government hasn’t been able to strike a coalition deal yet. I talk about that first. Then, I talk about what I’ve been up to, including updates to some things I’ve talked about in recent episodes.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
“New Zealand’s in between days” – The blog post I mentioned, with more detail on this interregnum period.
“New Zealand’s three ring circus” – My post the negotiations becoming farce

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AmeriNZ 402 – Election eve

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016The New Zealand General Election finishes tomorrow—finally! As I said last week, no one has any idea what’s going to happen, but it’s likely to be very close whatever it is. I also update a bit from last week, and tell you about my technological win.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
“Getting on the bus” – My blog post about how I vote
“Port Waikato by-election to follow general election after ACT candidate’s death”Stuff
“Pōti ahau – I voted (2023)” – My blog post about voting
“Voting statistics” – Official voting statistics from the Electoral Commission
“Two busy days” – My blog post about the weekend
“Another personal victory today” – My blog post about fixing my Ethernet

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AmeriNZ 401 – The week with missing days

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016I lost several days last week after I hurt myself. Oops. I talk about that first today, and then a bit about the New Zealand General Election because Advance Voting began on Monday. It’ll be interesting to see what happens (which is a nice way of saying no one has any idea what’s going to happen).

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
“Brushing away chores” – My blog post about those brushes
“Noting the not everyday stuff” – My blog post about the 400th episode and more
“Springing into stories” – My blog post about Spring with some photos, and talk about my sore back

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AmeriNZ 398 – 17 and 28

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016Today’s episode is named after two anniversaries: Today is the seventeenth anniversary of my blog, and yesterday was the 28th anniversary of when I first arrived in New Zealand as a tourist, when Nigel and I met in person for the first time. This coming weekend is also the final Pride 48 Live Streaming Event, and I reminisce and opine about podcasting. Then, I briefly talk about a small project outside. Finally, I share a funny (to me) story form New Zealand’s news.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
“Anniversaries 17 and 28” – My blog post about the 17th and 28th anniversaries.
The final Pride 48 Live Streaming Event – Link is to the schedule.
”Dave Dobbyn manager steps in over use of ‘Loyal’ in post promoting Liz Gunn party” – This article has the quotes I mentioned.

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AmeriNZ 397 – Copacetic days

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016Dare I say it? Spring may have sprung! I also share my surprise at how well the pool noodles have worked. My main topic today is about why and how I developed my personal organisation system, and that’s actually a story about how I’m doing these days.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
“My new projected system” – My first blog post in which talked about the system.
“As if to prove the point” – My system hit a snag only days into it.
“Project failure” – The first post in this mini-series 6 months into using the system.
“Safe indeed” – The second post in this series, about a success.
“Six months knowing what’s going on” – This is about tracking my tasks.

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AmeriNZ 396 – Noodle day

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016The pool noodles are deployed! Some deep topics coming next week. In the meantime, Spring is on the way! Also, the pain I mentioned last week is gone.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
”Fixing an unexpected problem” – My post on using the pool noodles
”Nigel would’ve been 59” – My post on Nigel’s birthday this year

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AmeriNZ 395 – Sunshine!

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016FOUR DAYS in a row with sunshine!!! However will I cope? Well, I mowed the lawns, for one thing. That led to a problem, and I discovered something I need to repair.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
”Regular household duties” – My post on my mowing day
About the sciatic nerve
”Oblivious to a solution” – My 2022 post on the patio table cover

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AmeriNZ 393 – Movable barrier

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016The weather is still a barrier—but I managed to move around it. This week is mainly an update on what’s going on, including everyone’s favourite topic, as well as things I talked about last week. Naturally, there’s also new stuff for me and for New Zealand that I talk about toward the end of the episode. The Rugby World Cup – France 2023 runs from September 8 to 28.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
”Powering ahead—for now” – My blog post on the power bill
”Final empowering step” – My 2021 blog post on the device that controls power to my hot water heater

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AmeriNZ 390 – Networks galore

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016It’s just a short catch-up today, beginning with an update to last week’s main topic—and the news is good! After that, just a couple things about social networks I’m on.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

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AmeriNZ 379 – April showers

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016Today is mostly about updates: Jacinda Ardern gave her final speech in the New Zealand Parliament, and we learned what she’s doing next. I’ve also recently made progress or some old projects.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
”Jacinda Ardern’s Valedictory Speech” – My blog post about Jacinda Ardern’s Valedictory Speech (video included)
”There’ve been four tornados in three days. What the hell’s going on?”Stuff
”There’s progress behind the scenes” – My blog post starting with “accidentally” emptying a box
”Not accidental” – My blog post following up with that “accidental” box emptying

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