Episode 19 is now available. You can also listen to it through the player on the right hand side of my blog, or on my MySpace page.
Joining me today is my very special guest—my partner Nigel! Mike Hipp of podcastsoup.net wins the imaginary prize for guessing correctly.
We begin by talking about Nigel’s childhood in small-town New Zealand and what it was like. What was the first thing Nigel bought with his own money? And what was the first record he bought? He then explains some of how New Zealand has changed, sometimes radically, in his lifetime.
What’s it like for Nigel being Maori in modern New Zealand? Is there racism? What about friction between Maori and other Polynesians?
Nigel also shares his impressions of the US, a place he loves to visit. What were some of the things he noticed? What American thing would he like to have in New Zealand?
Then we talk about some silly stuff, including shout outs to Archerr, Tom the Ramble Redhead and Kalvin of Hello Waffles, whom Nigel doesn’t even know. Of course Nigel was just kidding about Nik in Paris’ comment on Episode 18.
Leave a comment, or send an email to me at amerinz[at]yahoo.com. You can send an email to Nigel there, too, and I’ll forward it. Probably.
Update: I’m also on the special Friday Group Chat on ArcherRadio, which you can get here.
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