Okay, two things: This episode is EXTRA long, and it doesn’t end when you think (listen for my added special tribute at the end). After two weeks, I think you can allow me some extra time.
Today I tell you about our trip to Northland—our honeymoon. First up, I have some historical information for the date I actually recorded. Fast forward if you want. After that, I give the final (I think) update on the referendum I’ve been talking about. My main topic is our honeymoon in the Bay of Islands, Northland, New Zealand. Comments and email let me expand on a number of things—first, being an expat, and second, the upcoming AmeriNZ Live podcasts. A special tribute is at the very end—don’t fast forward Too much!
Links for this episode
My take on the referendum results
A blog post exposing connections.
Voting results show christofascists are toothless in New Zealand.
Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]amerinzpodcast.com.
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Arthur, I really enjoyed this show. Thanks for sharing all the details. I was actually a little sad when the show was over because I was enjoying myself.
Nessa XO