Contrary to appearances, I haven’t quit podcasting. I start out today talking a bit about where I’ve been lately, then I have updates on topics I’ve talked about before. From there it’s on to a comment-a-palooza, which lets me talk about the issues, some background info and more. Finally, I talk a bit about the live shows.
A new 2Political is coming this week. Also, join us on for the next live podcast on, starting at 8pm Eastern North American time on Thursday, October 22 (1pm Friday, October 23 New Zealand time). You can also join other listeners in the chatroom, where you can ask questions or make comments as the show is streamed.
Links for this episode
Clayton Weatherston to appeal conviction
Banjo killer appeals sentence
Law Society and MPs disagree on provocation
MMP referendum to be held with 2011 election
Ramblin’ with Roger
Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]
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I think it’s fair and reasonable to have enhanced live podcast. Thursday night is choir night, so I can’t listen to it live.
Truth is, though, that I’m less inclined to listen to it live because I don’t listen or watch ANYTHING live anymore. The DVR, and the VCR before that, plus radio I can listen to anytime, has exposed in me some latent ADHD.
Often I watch a TV show or listen to a podcast halfway through then finish it later, maybe even the next day. And I always seem to have interruptions; if the podcast had a live pause and rewind button, as my TV service does, then maybe I would listen in real time.
So 75-minute podcast, live? Not likely. Maybe a 30-minute one. MAYBE.
Thanks for the plug.
ABOVE: have AN enhanced