Episode 51 is now available. You can listen to it or download it through the player at the bottom of this post, or subscribe for free through iTunes here (you must have the free iTunes player installed). You can also listen to it for free through the player on my MySpace page.
Oh! Canada! It’s an extra long episode today, as I talk with Mark from one of my favourite sites, Slap Upside the Head. Mark is Canadian, currently living in Montreal. We talk about all sorts of things, like his growing up in Canada, and something of what the country is like. Are gay rights really better in Canada? What can the Canadian experience teach American activists? We fit in some talk about terrorism, the influence of right wing religionists, and even sports! Canada, the US and New Zealand all get some compare and contrast action.
Leave a comment or call my US listener line on 206-339-8413. And, you can always send an email to me at amerinz(at]yahoo.com. Join my e-mailing list to find out about new episodes as they’re released.
A couple Slaps we talked about:
Peace Activist Ejected By Church
Point/CounterPoint: The Dumbledore Controversy
My “Guest Slap” on Mark’s site called It’s All About Maps
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