Earlier today I broadcast a live version of this podcast on Pride 48 as part of the 2011 live podcasting extravaganza. I was joined by a special guest—you’ll have to listen to find out who, but let’s just say it’s someone who was an inspiration for me becoming a podcaster. This podcast is unedited, including some Skype-related sound dropouts.
We talked about what the guest has been up to, then we even connected to Las Vegas so members of the live audience could ask questions. We also talked a bit about podcasting.
This was a very fun show for me—and apparently some others, too, and fun is what Pride 48 is all about.
On November 7, we’ll be doing another “State of the Station” to start planning next year’s Pride 48 Live Podcasting Extravaganza. Join us!
I’ll be joining Nigel for The Third Colony on farpointradio.com Saturday, September 24 at 9pm EDT (Americas; 1pm Sunday, September 25 NZ).
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