Today’s episode is named after two anniversaries: Today is the seventeenth anniversary of my blog, and yesterday was the 28th anniversary of when I first arrived in New Zealand as a tourist, when Nigel and I met in person for the first time. This coming weekend is also the final Pride 48 Live Streaming Event, and I reminisce and opine about podcasting. Then, I briefly talk about a small project outside. Finally, I share a funny (to me) story form New Zealand’s news.
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Links for this episode
“Anniversaries 17 and 28” – My blog post about the 17th and 28th anniversaries.
The final Pride 48 Live Streaming Event – Link is to the schedule.
”Dave Dobbyn manager steps in over use of ‘Loyal’ in post promoting Liz Gunn party” – This article has the quotes I mentioned.
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