I’m all over the place today—appropriate, in some ways, for the three hundredth episode. Today’s is a normal episode: I begin by talking about some things going on in New Zealand, including Matariki, and also some things going on with me. Next, it’s feedback, starting with an audio message. This lets me talk about a few more things. Thanks for the feedback!!
There are several ways to send me an audio message—this earlier post lists them. (http://amerinzpodcast.com/?p=1549)
Links for this episode
Matariki Festival
Search is on for the first Aussie gay couple to wed – NZ Herald
Photos may solve Earhart mystery – Stuff
How Google Will Use High-Flying Balloons to Deliver Internet to the Hinterlands – Wired
Slowly into the future with UFB – NZ Herald
Who can adopt in New Zealand? – Site of a group called Adoption Option
Please leave a written comment, an audio message using the SpeakPipe widget, or on Audioboo or Skype (user name on both is AmeriNZ), or send an email to arthur{at]amerinzpodcast.com (you can email me an audio file, too, if you want).
Get AmeriNZ Podcast for free on iTunes

Don’t be so damn modest! It’s 300! Who knows whether you’ll want to podcast 200 more. I HOPE you do, but maybe you’ll give it up. So ’tis a cause for celebration, whether you think so or not…