This is the final podcast I recorded before the New Zealand General Election, and the short version is that the election’s a toss-up. I talk about why that is, some possible scenarios, and some of the things that may change that.
Special Note: To comply with New Zealand Election Law, I will not respond to any comments between the hours of 12am and 7pm NZST Saturday, September 23, 2017. I will attempt to turn on comment moderation, and if I’m successful, all comments will be held in a queue until after 7pm NZST Saturday, September 23, 2017 (maybe even later, because I’ll be watching election result coverage…)
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There are several ways to send me an audio message—this earlier post lists them.
Links for this episode
Official statistics on Advance Voting turnout
Official Enrolment Statistics
“There may have been a youth-quake” By Bernard Hickey, Newsroom
“Call the police: here’s everything you can’t do on election day” By Madeleine Chapman, The Spinoff
”Adjusting the system” – My blog post on my latest health update
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