AmeriNZ 172 – Did I?

amerinz_podcast_150x150So: How did I vote in New Zealand’s stupid referendum that will cost taxpayers millions for nothing? What did I do about that fundamentalist christianist stunt? I drag out the answer because I can. So, before I answer, I have updates on a couple stories I’ve talked about in the past, including gay adoption and ending the “panic defence”. And, do I ever tell you what I think!!

Links for this episode

Judge: Time to let gay couples adopt
Country divided over gay adoption issue
Voting correctly my stroppy blog post on how I voted.

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2 thoughts on “AmeriNZ 172 – Did I?

  1. I’m SO glad you voted. I was worried that you were going to ruin your record. Good for you! You certainly kept us listening to find out if you voted or not…loved that!

    As to a weekly live show…YES!!! You know I’ll be listening or even participating. I think you should take my Wednesday time slot. YES, YES, YES!

  2. This will not likely come as a shock, in response to more live shows, you get a resounding “Yes Please!” from me. Who wouldn’t want more Arthur? 

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