AmeriNZ 206 – Wednesthursday

amerinz_podcast_150x150The AmeriNZ Podcast’s Anniversary Month continues! Each recorded audio podcast this month will have at least one question and answer. All you have to do is write down the question number and the correct answer. Once you have five correct questions/answers, send them to me by fax or email. Every correct entry will go in the draw to win a Kiwi Prize Pack of things from New Zealand. You can enter as often as you like, but each entry must have five different correct questions/answers. I also mix it up a bit, so be on the lookout for extra questions. All entries must be sent by Midnight (Eastern American Time) on Friday, March 26, 2010.

Okay, so I skipped yesterday. I make up for it today, question-wise. After talking a bit about how the NZ House of Representatives operates differently than the US one does. Then, I talk a bit about some things from the news: Mining conservation land, Auckland International Airport and “Blog Idol”. I also talk a bit more about

Another recorded episode tomorrow.

I’ll be doing a live group show on Pride 48 starting at 8:00pm Eastern North American time on Thursday, March 25 (1:00pm Friday, March 26 New Zealand time). You can also join other listeners in the chatroom, where you can also ask questions or make comments as the show is streamed. Archerr will be hosting the live show the following week.

Link for this episode
Live Streaming of the New Zealand Parliament
Auckland Airport is ranked ninth in the world
Blog Idol winner and Chaz’ winning blog
Chaz’ Harris’ film “The Show Box” (online film site)
Memorial Register on
Fairy Princess Holly’s fundraising page for the Walk for Animals

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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