This AmeriNZ Podcast Special Presentation is Episode 298 of The Egonomist, the first New Zealand podcast I’ve ever been a guest on. It’s mostly about politics, just so you know, but also about some expat and New Zealand stuff. I had a lot of fun, and look forward to having Dan and Dave visit the AmeriNZ Podcast. You can leave a comment below, or you can check out their site or Facebook page—links below, along with links to Dan’s and Dave’s Twitter feeds (I recommend both!).
Links for this episode
The website for The Egonomist
The Egonomist Facebook Page
The Egonomist on iTunes
Dan’s Twitter Feed
Dave’s Twitter Feed
Please leave a comment or send an email to arthur{at] Please note: The voicemail line is gone, but you can leave an audio message for my using the “Send Voicemail” item on the right edge of this page.
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Your appearances on other podcasts don’t always work for me – they are often more jokey, less focused, and frankly, less interesting to me than your podcast is. Your Egonomist appearance, by contrast, was much tighter than most of your other guest shots; I liked it!
Great show, Arthur! Thanks for uploading it and also posting a link to The Egonomist’s info. I thoroughly enjoyed your appearance on there. It never ceases to amaze me how well-informed many citizens of other countries are concerning US politics (heck, they referenced Dixiecrats, for hydrogen’s sake!) I wouldn’t be surprised if I polled my fellow Americans and came up with some blank looks on that one 🙂
Thank you as always for your delightful and insightful shows. Happy holidays to you and yours. Best wishes for 2013!
Thanks, guys!
I normally reply on the podcast itself, but I wanted to apologise to you, Cory, for not approving your comment right away (as I normally would do). I didn’t get a notification email (as I should have), and with the holidays I just didn’t get a chance to check the site. Sorry!