Well, I’m a chatterbox today! I tell you a bit about the weekend and a health update before moving onto something from the news—an update to something I’ve talked about previously. I also tell you about a couple things happening in New Zealand on November 1. That’s after Halloween, of course—but I doubt many Kiwis would notice that. I tell you why. A phone message and comments round out the episode.
A new 2Political is coming soon, possibly early next week. Also, join us on for the next live AmeriNZ Podcast on Pride48.com, starting at 8pm Eastern North American time on Thursday, October 29 (1pm Friday, October 30 New Zealand time). You can also join other listeners in the chatroom, where you can ask questions or make comments as the show is streamed.
Links for this episode
Slap some sense into this story.
The extent of Halloween.
Farewell, Halloween.
Halloween is homeless.
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