Today is the fourteenth anniversary of my arrival in New Zealand—my expataversary. So today I begin by talking a bit about that, ome of the things I’ve learned and the best advice I can give. Then, I have a story in the news that caught my eye, and then it’s on to comments that let me update some things I’ve talked about before as well as tell you more about New Zealand.
A new 2Political is coming later this week. Also, join us on the next live AmeriNZ Podcast on, starting at 8pm Eastern North American time on Thursday, November 6 (2pm Friday, November 7 New Zealand time). You can also join other listeners in the chatroom, where you can ask questions or make comments as the show is streamed.
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Illegal downloaders spend most on music.
Nearly half say they will vote to ditch MMP.
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Happy Arthur in NZ anniversary.
Yes, you SHOULD do a piece on NZ religion, and bigotry in that arena.
Speaking of bigotry, from the Onion: If God Had Wanted Me To Be Accepting Of Gays, He Would Have Given Me The Warmth And Compassion To Do So
Congrats on your anniversary! You are an amazing guy and I will always be a fan!