I start out telling you about petrol prices in New Zealand. New data suggests it’s not so bad. The main topic today is how New Zealand and Australia are very different from the US when it comes to religion in politics. The case of an Australian politician’s fall starts the discussion, and I add my own comments, also relating it all to New Zealand. Speaking of comments, listener comments let me discuss some other topics. Back later this week.
I’ll be hosting a special Pride 48 info show live in Pride48.com Tuesdays at 8pm EDT right up until the event.
Links for this episode
Schedule of recorded episodes on Pride 48
NZ petrol 4th-cheapest in OECD, says Govt
Archerr Epsiode 1067 – A brief mention on this is what triggered today’s topic
AmeriNZ 201 – Religion, podcasts and more
AmeriNZ 91 – Monique Rhodes
2011 Census products: consultation and planning – About the NZ Census planning
A question of taste – my blog post on the taste of American food products
Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]amerinzpodcast.com.
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Glad you’ve put the date back on the posts. I never listen to a podcast on the day it was recorded or posted. So, for historical purposes, it makes more sense to note the timeframe.