It was a terrible week last week (hence, the name of this episode). I start out talking about that first. Then, I tell you some things that are coming up (Easter is a four-day holiday weekend in New Zealand). I may record with Nigel!
My main topic today is news about big moves made by the New Zealand Parliament just today. That leads into a talk of some appalling tactics by the National Party-led government.
Once again, phone and written comments let me expand on the issues discussed.
Links for this episode
Quick guide to the new copyright bill – Tech Liberty NZ
No New Zealander can be disconnected from the internet – Red Alert (Labour Party blog)
Urgency – Some real information – Grant Robertson on Red Alert
National’s list of laws passed under urgency – New Zealand Herald
Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]
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When you talked about your hand being almost unrecognizable to you, it reminded me about how I view the back of my own hands (and parts of my arms, legs, feet, face) post-vitilago. “Who the hell IS that?”