Today is the first podcast of my Fifth Season! Monday was my Fourth Podoversary, so this is now my fifth year of podcasting. I begin by talking a bit about April Fool’s Day and a little prank I played. Then I talk about some things in the NZ news, starting with Christchurch and moving on to a political scandal.
After that, it’s on to a discussion of the recent flurry of activity in US immigration law, which ended up right back where it started. I have strong feelings about this and, yes, it’s personal.
Comments round out this episode—and this week. Back next week!
Links for this episode
Earthquake Recovery Authority head named
Unidentified remains may be buried in mass quake grave
Gratuitous cruelty continues – my blog post on US immigration news this week
Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]
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The beginning of 5 years!!!!
You are truly one of the VERY best out there lovie!!!
And I hate practical jokes too.
Thank you, Auntie! Actually, there were a couple parts in this episode where I felt I was channelling you, which shouldn’t be a total surprise…
Welcome to your 5th Season and thanks for keeping up the show. It sounds like the politics in New Zealand are about as fun as the continual scandals that happen here in DC every year. Those in power seem to get in their head that they are so powerful that they are above the media until it hits the press. Then “BOOM”. They are in Newt’s position in the political world. Done, but they don’t think so.