AmeriNZ 356 – Eine schwierige Zeit

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016This is probably the most “me” episode in a very a long time. I begin today with the obvious: Talking about where I’ve been, and why I wasn’t podcasting. It was personal.

I move on to talking about what I’ve been up to (including what may have contributed to my difficult time): I’ve been working on projects, and there’s an update to the solar energy project. There’s even a health update.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
“COVID-19: Vaccine data” – This is the official data from the NZ Ministry of Health, updated weekly.
“Estimated population of NZ” – This is the source of the population estimate I use to work out the percentage of New Zealanders who have been vaccinated. It is from States NZ, a NZ Government entity, and the estimate is updated every three months.
“The secret war” – The blog post I read.
“Powerful news” – My latest blog post on the solar power project.
“Trying again” – The latest blog post on my health journey.
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