AmeriNZ 150 – Two Years

amerinz_podcast_150x150Two years! Today’s episode would have had an audio file, similar to episode one, but it couldn’t happen. I talk briefly about that subject before moving onto the breaking news I alluded to last time (and Jake makes an appearance in the background). From there, it’s on to anniversarium comments and more comments. I actually received some as I was working on this episode, so I finish it after a few wines—good move or not? You be the judge. In any event, the number of messages I received kinda changed the way I did this episode, but I don’t mind at all. Thank you for two years of wonderful times. I deeply appreciate it!

Things I forgot!
Use Your Noodle.
Kim Beaver’s Lodge.

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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AmeriNZ 149 – Penultimate Episode

amerinz_podcast_150x150It’s Thursday, so that makes this my penultimate episode, since tomorrow is my over-hyped Second Anniversary/150th episode. I begin today with some more updates, starting with a pretty big one. Did you know there was a reason I picked all the small topics this week? I get caught up on comments, too, which lets me expand on earlier topics.

Mentioned today:
Clark role puts her third in UN hierarchy.
Craig Horner photos.
Legend of the Seeker.

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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2PP003 – March 25, 2009

2PP_Album_art_smallEpisode 3 begins our regular schedule of podcasting every other week (more or less…). After special news, a special announcement: 2Political has it’s own US-based comment line. Then it’s on to AIG and the implications of that whole situation. We say that reform, regulation and oversight will all be necessary. We then move on to talking about the plans to buy “toxic assets” and what that can mean. Back in a couple weeks!

Feel free to visit our website, There, you can leave a comment, get the comment line number, or our email addresses for the podcast. 2Political episodes will continue to be available through AmeriNZ Podcast for quite awhile, or you can subscribe directly through iTunes (link below), or you can use

Link for this episode:
Jason’s Blog

Get 2Poltical Podcast for free on iTunes


AmeriNZ 148 – Food

amerinz_podcast_150x150It’s day two of my Anniversary Week. Today I start with updates on things I’ve talked about in previous episodes—including just yesterday. Cheese-in-a-can comes up again, as it were, which leads into a larger discussion of food. Yep, the AmeriNZ Podcast, where you’ll hear about the things no one else will tell you.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) will be a 2Political episode, and I plan to be back on Thursday with another AmeriNZ Podcast, followed by my Second Anniversary on Friday.

Mentioned today:
Shift, alt, delete for internet copyright law .

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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AmeriNZ 147 – End of the World

amerinz_podcast_150x150Today is the start of Anniversary Week! The AmeriNZ Podcast will be two years old at the end of the week, and to celebrate I’m planning to podcast every day this week (though Wednesday will be a 2Political episode). I talk today about some of the realities of living at “the end of the world” (from a US or European perspective). I also share what may be a sign of the other meaning of the phrase—the end of everything.

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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AmeriNZ 146 – Actions and Updates

amerinz_podcast_150x150Today I have a few updates on earlier topics, then I tell you about two things were you can take part: One is legislation before Congress, the Uniting American Families Act, to help bi-national GLBT couples. The other is Earth Hour where you can vote for earth by switching off your lights for one hour on Saturday, March 28 (8.30pm to 9.30pm your local time).

Mentioned today:
Immigration progress. I update the sponsor list regularly.

Earth Hour

Vote Earth!

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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2PP002 – March 12, 2009

Image EDITThe second episode of 2Political! After special news, a phone message lets us talk a bit more about earmarks. When did they become so bad? Are the Republicans right? Or can earmarks be good? We have even more comments to discuss. If you have something you’d like to see us discuss, or you have a question, feel free to leave a comment, send us an email or ring the AmeriNZ comment line (there’ll be a separate one eventually!) on 206-666-5172. The next episode of 2Political will be in 2 weeks.

Feel free to visit our new website:  You can also send an email to arthur[at) or jason{at] 2 Political episodes will continue to be available through AmeriNZ Podcast for quite awhile, but you can subscribe through iTunes if you want (link below). You can also subscribe directly using

Link for this episode:
Freedom of Information Day
Taxpayers for Common Sense
Jason’s Blog

Get 2Poltical Podcast for free on iTunes


AmeriNZ 145 – Home truths

amerinz_podcast_150x150I begin today with a few a couple news items, including one about an American woman who was denied residence in New Zealand because she’s obese. For my main topic, I talk about some “home truths”, some truth and facts about New Zealand. This was inspired by some downright bizarre things I saw on some online forums. I talk about NZ houses, pay and taxes, public transport, crime and even prejudice. Whew! Feel free to ask about anything you’d like to know about.

Mentioned today:
Obese American woman has bid to live in New Zealand rejected

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

Get AmeriNZ Podcast for free on iTunes


2PP001 – March 5, 2009

2PP_Album_art_smallThis is the first of the stand-alone versions of what Jason and I used to call our “Politicasts”. You’ll be able to subscribe to this podcast separately if you want, but for the time being I’ll be posting it so subscribers to the AmeriNZ Podcast will get it automatically.

We begin today by talking about “Boss” Rush Limbaugh, and the disarray among Republicans. To move on from that sorry tale, Jason has two factoids. Back to the serious, Arthur brings up the revelations about the Bush memos that gave Bush legal cover for seizing dictatorial power, some of which he did. We had no idea until recently how bad it really was, and how bad it almost was. Should members of the Bush/Cheney regime be prosecuted? Then, some more Congress talk. What about giving Washington, DC real representation in the US House of Representatives (thanks for the topic, Kandi!)?

Feel free to visit our new website: . You can also send an email to arthur[at) or jason{at] 2 Political episodes will continue to be available through AmeriNZ Podcast for quite awhile, but iTunes subscription will be available soon. In the meantime, if you want to subscribe directly now, you can use

Link for this episode:
Jason’s Blog
AmeriNZ Podcast
