AmeriNZ 13 – Lucky Lucky Lucky

Episode 13 is now available. You can also listen to it through the player on the right hand side of my blog, or on my MySpace page.

I’m not superstitious but I still do certain things, like throw spilled salt over my shoulder. I also have an episode number 13. I begin with some quasi-meta stuff about rankings and iTunes comments.

New Zealand Music charts will include legal digital downloads from this week. They’re changing the charts as a result. You can see the current chart here.

A researcher has found that the NZ accent is getting stronger and more distinct, despite globalisation. A shorter version of the story is here.

There might not be a podcast on Friday, but I hope to have one.

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AmeriNZ 12 – Moving On

Episode 12 is now available. You can also listen to it through the player on the right hand side of my blog, or on my MySpace page.

We’re doing much better, but today was difficult for me. Everything has been made better by the support we’ve had, including from all my new friends from my blog and podcast. Should we animal lovers be a little more upfront? Vicious dogs: They’re usually made so by their owners.

To get my podcast back on track, I talk a bit about Westminster-style parliamentary systems. In some ways, they’re much stronger than an American-style system. The exit of the UK’s Tony Blair is put into context of parliamentary systems, which opens up talk of New Zealand’s application of the system. Parliamentary systems like New Zealand has are more consultative, and so, do things that generally have more broad-based support.

Then, commentapalooza! A special appeal ends this episode—I hope you consider it.

Mentioned this episode:
Hello Waffles (one of my most favourites)
Ramble Redhead, episode 137 (another fave)
ArcherRadio 421 (my first “gang bang” episode)

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AmeriNZ 11 – I’m still here

Episode 11 is now available. You can also listen to it through the player on the right hand side of my blog, or on my MySpace page.

This is a short episode, because I’m running out of bandwidth (resets around the 23rd), and also because I’m talking about the sudden death of our dog this past Friday. I explain how Saibh (rhymes with “five”) fit into our lives, and some of what she meant to us. In some ways we’ve been through this before, but this feels more intense. We’re trying to adjust.

The paraphrase I read from November 1998:

What is it about these small, furry animals that they become such an integral part of our lives that we feel their deaths as keenly as if they were human? Some people—including many at work, no doubt—would say it’s just because they’re obviously part of daily routines and rituals. If that’s all it was, we’d miss a toaster when it failed. Anyone who’s ever had a pet knows that they’re so much more than an animal sharing a living space and daily routine. They’re as much a part of us, “as if they were human”.

To avoid ending on a down note, there’s a competition for Kiwi shoe polish that will give away a trip for two to New Zealand. You can enter here.

At right is the album art that was supposed to accompany this podcast (I didn’t realise that podomatic overrides other settings).

Please leave a comment, or send an email to me at amerinz[at]

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AmeriNZ 10 – Civil Unions and Stuff

AmeriNZ_Podcast_150x150.jpgEpisode 10 is now available—it’s just me this time. You can also listen to it through the player on the right hand side of my blog, or on my MySpace page.

New Zealand civil unions are marriages in all but name. All marriages and civil unions are basically property contracts. But the protections are important. Married/civil unioned couples in New Zealand don’t file joint tax returns. Wage and salary earners don’t need to file tax returns. Taxes pay for nearly everything—including health. Property taxes, called rates, pay mostly for local amenities and infrastructure maintenance. Comments are commented on, and a short review of my weekend. Please leave a comment, or send an email to amerinz[at]

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AmeriNZ 9 – Loose Ends

AmeriNZ_Podcast_150x150.jpgEpisode 9 is now available. You can also listen to it through the player on the right hand side of my blog, or on my MySpace page.

This week, I tie up some loose ends left hanging from Tuesday’s show, and Ramble Redhead’s show, too. You’ll learn some more about me, how I think and how I am. I’m honest about how I feel about several things, all of which lays the groundwork for future episodes. Original shownotes and comments at, or send an email to

Special mention in this episode:


iSay iSay iSay

And comments and Frappr Mapprs.

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AmeriNZ 8 – Talk with Archerr

AmeriNZ_Podcast_150x150.jpgEpisode 8 is now available, another talk episode. You can also listen to it through the player on the right hand side of my blog, or on my MySpace page.

Shocking revelation in this episode!

I took a break from work to talk with Archerr of, one of my must-listen-to podcasters. Despite my having had too much caffeine, we talked of many things: Music—80s music in particular (apologies to Tim Corrimal for getting his past guests mixed up), where Auckland is, north and south in the mind’s eye, names for the voices for in-car GPS systems. Driving on the other side of the road. Talking to the past and the future. Why no photo of Arthur on the blog? Arthur reveals some shocking information—well, it surprises Archerr, at least. Frappr comes up, as does blog posting and stuff beyond podcasting. Tech talk about digital video and still cameras (when I talk about tape, I mean analog, btw).

Also, be sure to check out my two-part guest spot on Ramble Redhead’s podcast.

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AmeriNZ 7 – Secrets

AmeriNZ_Podcast_150x150.jpgEpisode 7 is now available. You can also listen to it through the player on the right hand side of my blog, or on my MySpace page.

There are some things that bloggers and podcasters don’t, or shouldn’t, reveal. Many don’t use their real names (I do), and many use a nickname (well, I do that, too). I won’t talk specifics about how I make money, but there are other things to say about it.

Neil Finn is a doofus. The American Ambassador says interesting things. Comments galore (I loves me my comments!). New Frappr Mappers! I’ve added a link on my blog to Amazon to make it easier for my American friends to buy books I mention or recommend. If you buy a book through the link on my site, I might even make a coin or two out of it.

Finally, a mashup—the first mashup I’ve made (I call it ArcherRadio vs. OMD). Yeah, I know that these things are usually done to a dance music beat, but hey, can you imagine anything but 80s music for Archerr?

Mentioned this week:

QCast Connecticut

Nik-in-Paris wedding episode

Also, if you haven’t done so yet, check out Kalvin at Hello Waffles. I kid around, but he really is one of my “most favourite” podcasters.

Next podcast is on Tuesday New Zealand time.

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AmeriNZ 6 – Arthur meets Adam

aEpisode 6 is now available, a talk episode. You can also listen to it through the player on the right hand side of my blog.

This week, I talk with Adam of This Boy Elroy. Adam’s podcast was one the first of its type I listened to, and it was an inspiration for my own. I also found other podcasts and blogs through Adam’s site.

Don’t talk about religion or politics?! What else could a couple proud liberals talk about? Well, there’s plastic grocery bags, JoeMyGod, Australia and much more. Is America doing penance? Is American democracy doomed? A frank and opinionated conversation—as you’d expect. We had some Skype problems that I tried to edit out, and my sound levels drop toward the end for some reason.

You can see the This Boy Elroy video I mentioned here.

I’ll post my next regular podcast on Friday New Zealand time.

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