AmeriNZ 360 – Boosted times

I’m boosted! I talk about that first today, along with a few other life updates, until I get to my main topic, a voice message asking me why I think New Zealand hasn’t had the same level of protests over Covid that Australia and the USA have had. As it happens, it’s something I’ve thought about quite a bit, and I’ve developed a view about it. As always, it’s just my opinion, and I welcome comments here or by audio message.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

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AmeriNZ 359 – Another New Year

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016First episode of the year! The reasons it took so long to return aren’t much different than in the past, but it’s a good idea to start with talk about what’s changed since last time. Related, I was really glad to see the end of 2021.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
All of my blog posts related to NZ’s Covid Lockdowns
All my blog posts on my projects
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