AmeriNZ 125 – Politicast for the Last Weekend

We’re heading into the final weekend of the 2008 Election Campaign, so we start off talking about recent events, including Barack’s 30-minute broadcast, early voting, voting machines, vote fraud and we even have an election night tip. We eventually move on to talking about various ballot initiatives, and when we get to talking about Proposition 8 in California, I really get on my soapbox. Should there be some sort of penalty for those who use lies in a political campaign, like those trying to end same-sex marriage in California have done? I don’t think that ads using lies should be allowed, but Jason is more dubious. Later, after comments, we start talking about the notion that politicians are never allowed to admit mistakes, so they have to stick with bad ideas no matter what. All of which are the sorts of things we’ll be talking about once this election is finally over.

Next political chat will be on Election Eve.

Links for this episode:
Real Clear Politics
Jason’s Blog

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AmeriNZ 124 – Politicast – The Final Week

It’s the final week of the US election campaign—FINALLY! We added a podcast today, one Friday and one next week on “election eve”. Then we’ll collapse (hopefully from exhaustion caused by celebrating). So we start in with me talking about the alternate universe that Fox Noise operates in, and that leads into a discussion of varying looks at the Electoral College map.

One major indication of how things are going is where the candidates are campaigning, and the Republicans are spending most of their time in states that should have been safe for them, but they’re not. We also look at the possibility of voter fraud and vote suppression to keep Obama from winning. Which candidate can bring reconciliation to the country? The new Congress will have a lot more Democrats, but the ideology won’t change much; we tell you why.

A phone message lets us talk about third parties and a major reform that would let them run a campaign that could possibly win the White House. Other comments let us talk about Amendment 2 in Florida, Prop 8 in California and even a bit about Illinois politics.

Next political chat will be at the end of this week.

Links for this episode:
Real Clear Politics
Jason’s Blog

Please leave a comment, ring my US Listener Line on 206-339-8413, or send an email to arthur{at]

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AmeriNZ 123 – Politicast last 2 weeks

We’re in the last two weeks, and soon this way-too-long campaign will be over! We start today with polls: Where they’re at, what they mean. We also talk about early voting and its impact on the election. Then we move on to a hard look at the rhetoric of the Republican campaign. What does “pro-American” mean? Why has Palin promoted her strong support for a Constitutional Amendment to ban same-sex marriage? Log Cabin Republicans get a verbal slap. Oh, yeah, we have to talk about right wing Christianity, too, given the role it’s playing in this campaign. Comments let us talk even more!

Links for this episode:
Real Clear Politics

ABC (US) News’ tax cut comparison

Steal Back Your Vote comic book by Greg Palast and Bobby Kennedy Jr.

Jason’s blog is here.

Please leave a comment, ring my US Listener Line on 206-339-8413, or send an email to arthur{at]

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AmeriNZ 122 – NZ Updates

Today’s episode is mainly updates, especially about the New Zealand election. But this episode starts with some totally unrelated things, including one thing that even had me a little depressed. I then have a couple other updates followed by comments. One of my favourite podcasters leaves a phone message!

The next Politicast with Jason will be up on Friday.

Links for this episode:

Nik’s Spatula Forum

Monique’s guest spot on AmeriNZ 91 (one of my favourites, by the way)

Monique Rhodes’ MySpace Page

Shona Laing’s website

Please leave a comment, ring my US Listener Line on 206-339-8413, or send an email to arthur{at]

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Spam attacks

Unfortunately, effective immediately, I’ve had to increase the level of comment moderation due to a spam attack that’s been underway nearly 24 hours. First-time commenters now must have their comments approved before they’ll appear on this site; anyone who’s previously posted will be able to comment as normal.

Previously, I’ve had periodic spam attacks—in which spammers place “comments” intended to drive traffic to their own site(s). Those earlier attacks always tripped the spam filters on my site, but the latest attacks got around the filters. I got sick of marking them as spam and deleting them, generally at least once an hour.

So, thanks to spammers, I’ve been forced to make commenting a little more difficult. I really am sorry for the inconvenience, but I had no choice.

Update 25/10/08: I received a lot of suggestions (thanks everyone!), but unfortunately, I couldn’t make any of them work. Then Mark from Slap Upside The Head left a comment and made a suggestion I couldn’t follow up on at the the time (and my reply details that, along with my general frustration). I’m pleased to report that with Akismet running, I haven’t had to manually delete a single spam comment—it’s caught them all (12 since I installed it late last night). That’s out of a total of 93 spam comments, most of which either I or the low-level filter had already caught.

But I’m wondering: Is WordPress uniquely vulnerable for some reason, or does Blogger just take care of this behind the scenes? In any event, so far the tighter security is working, so I can get back to things that are far more interesting—like trying to figure out how to pronounce “Akismet”.


AmeriNZ 121 – Fun in New Zealand

A listener voicemail leads me to talk about some of the things that people in New Zealand do for fun. Mostly, it’s similar to what people in other Western countries do. I have some written comments and other voicemails today, too. And Big Fatty makes a guest appearance.

I have two more episodes planned for this week, including another Polticast with Jason at the end of the week.

Link for this episode: Weber Brothers Circus

Please leave a comment, ring my US Listener Line on 206-339-8413, or send an email to arthur{at]

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AmeriNZ 120 – Politicast after the debates

Jason and I are back, after the final (!) presidential debate. We talk about that, and also about the two “elephants in the room”: Palin’s religion and Obama’s race. The first ought to be an issue, especially for GLBT voters—and rational voters of all kinds—and the other isn’t a factor for opinion polls (we tell you why). Aside from that, it’s a wide-ranging discussion of the US election, with more to come.

To visit Jason’s Blog, click here.

Please leave a comment, ring my US Listener Line on 206-339-8413, or send an email to arthur{at]

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AmeriNZ 119 – The Issue of Healthcare

Healthcare is a right, not a privilege. Most people agree, and most Americans want a single-payer, universal system. So why does the rightwing always say these systems don’t work? Do they?

New Zealand’s system works well, as does the system in Canada and the UK. It’s not perfect anywhere, but no one has to choose between healthcare and basic survival. The rightwing doesn’t know what it’s talking about.

Two more episodes this week.

Please leave a comment, ring my US Listener Line on 206-339-8413, or send an email to arthur{at]

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AmeriNZ 118 – Shock mount

Like my microphone, the world has had to absorb shocks lately. Today I talk a bit about the financial crisis and how it’s affecting New Zealand and Australia (not much). But I spend most of my time taking on a right-wing attack in the US. It’s a little controversial, but sometimes you need that.

In coming episodes I’ll talk about issues, like healthcare, from my perspective living in NZ. Sometimes what the US media says isn’t necessarily so, and I offer a different perspective. Other special episodes are coming up, too.

Today’s link: McClatchy Washington Bureau: Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie, triggered crisis

Please leave a comment, ring my US Listener Line on 206-339-8413, or send an email to arthur{at]

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AmeriNZ 117 – Back to work

It’s back to work today, with our guests gone and the holiday over. So I start today by talking a bit about our week. After that, I update a couple things, and comments let me add some more. Now it’s back to normal podcasting (by the way, I DO know it’s October now, despite the date I said at the beginning; I was still in holiday mode when I recorded, I guess).

Today’s link: The blog post I mentioned with the photo taken in front of Kelly Tarlton’s.

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