AmeriNZ 298 – Equality

Today I have one topic: Marriage equality arriving in New Zealand one week ago today. I start by telling you about some of my impressions the night. I also give you my full impressions of what New Zealand’s far right did—and is up to now! After some slight diversion into other NZ politics, I tell you about what happens now. One thing I know for sure is that this battle is over: The rightwing cannot repeal or even revisit this issue. Kiwis just don’t do that. Finally, I tell you the background to that video of the vote.

There are several ways to send me an audio message—this earlier post lists them. (

Links for this episode
Favourite moment – my blog post on the moment marriage equality was approved
Favourite speech – again from my blog
The New Zealand Parliament’s YouTube Channel is called InTheHouseNZ. To find the videos, look for “Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill – Third Reading – Part # (where # is 1 – 20).
Looking ridiculous – my blog post on a silly rightwinger entertaining the Internet
Final analysis – my blog post wrapping-up the campaign for marriage equality and what happened.
All my blog posts on this topic are tagged NZ Marriage Equality.

Please leave a written comment, an audio message using the SpeakPipe widget, or on Audioboo or Skype (user name on both is AmeriNZ), or send an email to arthur{at] (you can email me an audio file, too, if you want).

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