AmeriNZ 242 – Subdued

I’m subdued today, and mostly because of my main topic, the Pike River mine disaster. I’m not as boisterous as I usually am, so I thought about not posting this. But then I realised that most people don’t hear shows around holidays, so it almost amounts to the same thing! (j/k). After that, I talk a bit about what’s going on with me and the podcast, play a phone message, talk about a comment, and I’m done.

There’s no live AmeriNZ Podcast this week, but I’ll be back next week with a regular episode (and topics!). My live show will be back in two weeks.

Be sure to listen to Nigel on The Third Colony, Saturday, November 27 at 9pm EST (Americas; 3pm Sunday, November 28 NZDT).

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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AmeriNZ 241 – Spring cleaning

I begin with a sort of update on what’s ben going on with me lately. Read between the lines, and you’ll get why I haven’t been podcasting much lately. Among my updates, I placed my first Amazon order for dead tree books. We’ll see how it goes. Meanwhile, I’ve been pretty “meh!” about politics, which is really weird for me. I also haven’t been that into NZ news. I have many phone messages this time, and they let me talk about other stuff, including stuff I reveal. After written comments, I talk a bit about where the live show is headed.

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AmeriNZ 240 – Live Stuff

This show was recorded live on Pride 48. I had no guests at first, so it basically starts as a normal episode that I recorded live. I begin by talking about the US television series “Glee” which leads me talk about two teen lesbians in Melbourne, Australia, who were banned from their school ball. I think things really are getting better. A high-profile NZ TV celebrity has come out. I’m kinda meh! about politics these days, but I talk a bit about some quasi-political things I got up to here in New Zealand.

Veritable Virgo joins me part way through (22:49). I screwed up and forgot to hijack the Skype conversation, but I edited out the one-sided recording before I fixed it. Once I did, we talked a bit about television, lots of meta stuff and, well, just stuff. Oddly, my sound quality improved once I added the Skype call.

My next AmeriNZ LIVE podcast on Pride 48 is scheduled for Thursday, November 25 — Thanksgiving Day. So, my next planned live show will be Thursday, December 9 at 8:00pm EDT (Americas, 2:00pm Friday, December 10 in NZ). Catch Veritable Virgo next Thursday, November 18, for his show on Pride 48. He alternates Thursdays with me.

Nigel will be hosting The Third Colony LIVE on Saturday, November 13 at 9pm EST (Americas; 3pm Sunday, November 14 in NZ) on Go to for chatroom and listening instructions.

Links for this episode
Lesbian couple banned from Melbourne ball
Alison Mau comes out: “Yes, I’m bisexual”
Veritable Virgo’s site

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AmeriNZ 239 – Fifteen

Today is my 15th expataversary and anniversary, so I talk about that first. Then, updates to a couple topics I’ve talked about on the podcast before I move on to the main topic today: Comments. They’ve piled up a bit, so today I clear out the inbox. You’ll see why I NEVER use a written script. Yeah, that’s a good thing. Still, that lets me comment on a bunch of different stuff. Finally, I tell you a bit about the transition to the new Auckland.

Join me for the next AmeriNZ LIVE podcast on Pride 48, scheduled for Thursday, November 4 at 8:00pm EDT Americas (1:00pm Friday, November 5 NZ time). This is subject to change, however.

Splash Home

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