This episode is a bit of a catch-up—except that I mainly skip over the updates (you can ask in the comments about anything you want an update on). My first main topic is the controversy, reported internationally, when women MPs were expelled from a session of Parliament when they shared their personal stories of sexual assault, arising from NZ’s gutless prime minister, John Key, saying outrageous—and outrageously offensive—things in Parliament.
When I move on to personal topics, it’s the story of the recent medical challenges of our furbaby Sunny, and also why I talked about it at all.
A few other minor things round out this episode, and possibly set the stage for future episodes. And, yes, there will be future episodes. Sooner or later.
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There are several ways to send me an audio message—this earlier post lists them.
Link for this episode
No Kiwi rapists or murderers on Christmas Island – NZ Herald
Female MPs’ protest over John Key ‘rapist’ remarks make global headlines – Stuff
John Key doesn’t care about rape victims (he doesn’t much care about women and children at all) By Hadassah Grace
6 Times John Key Lied This Week – NZ Labour Party
John Key’s do’s and don’ts list when it comes to detainees By Gordon Campbell
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