Episode 36 is now available. You can listen to it or download it through the player at the bottom of this post, or subscribe for free through iTunes here (you must have the free iTunes player installed). You can also listen to it for free through the player on my MySpace page.
I had some computer issues this week, and I was a little under the weather earlier in the week. So, this episode is a bit of a mixed bag. First up, there’s a new tourism commercial for NZ coming soon to highlight New Zealand as the newest nation on earth (geologically speaking). It’s sparked a small controversy. I talk about that at 4.28. At 6:32, I talk about the poll on my blog for your favourite Kiwi, and tell you who those people were. Around 10:23 I give a little more—and simpler—information about the structure of local government. What do Australians think of America and Americans? At 11:59 I’ll tell you. Comments are up next at 15:37. Then I tell you why I didn’t podcast on Tuesday; that’s at 23:06.
Leave a comment, or send an email to me at amerinz[at)yahoo.com.
Mentioned in this episode:
Controversy over the new commercial promoting New Zealand. See the new commercial here. For more about Dave Dobbyn (who wrote the former commercial song), go here.
To read biographies about New Zealanders from the past, go here.
A higher turnout is expected in this year’s local elections.
Australians like Americans and America, but not George Bush. A fundamentalist preacher in South Australia had a bizarre excuse for molesting his daughters.
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Update: This post has received a lot of hits because the “Forever Young” commercial is playing overseas. I have an updated post about this, which included a video of the commercial and more information about it.
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