AmeriNZ 416 – Presently

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016This week I expand on what I was talking about last week, because not all anniversaries this year are bad! Actually, not all potential triggers turn you that way, either.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
”Good things, too” – My blog post on a good anniversary this year
”Time becomes our ally” – My blog post on triggers that weren’t
“Let the annual inquisition begin for 2024” – My blog post for this year’s “Ask Arthur” series

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AmeriNZ 361 – The ever-changing times

amerinz_podcast_1400x1400-2016I recorded this episode last Friday (March 11), but didn’t have time to finish editing it that day—or all weekend. Life happens. This episode begins with me talking about my solar electricity system, and where things are at. I’ll have a more in-depth look at it after twelve months, but a check-in now is still a good idea—it’s been awhile!

The bulk of this episode, though, is about the three-week occupation of the grounds of the NZ Parliament—which is ironic because only I posted my previous episode only a short time before the occupation began. In that episode, I talked about why I thought New Zealand hadn’t had anything like the angry, aggressive, often irrational “protests” other countries had seen. Well, we have now! I have a nuanced perspective, as is usually the case, though my opinion of the occupiers is still negative. Below is an extended list of links to New Zealand coverage of various aspects of the occupation.

Be sure to Like the AmeriNZ Facebook Page for all things AmeriNZ.

Links for this episode
Parliament protesters dig trenches to avoid ‘all night’ sprinklers – By André Chumko, Sophie Cornish, Erin Gourley and Matthew Tso, Stuff
‘Splintered realities’: How NZ convoy lost its way – By Marc Daalder, newsroom
The Trumpism spilling out onto Parliament’s lawn is the new virus – By Andrea Vance, Stuff
Do the protesters in Wellington even know what ‘freedom’ means? – By Jehan Casinader, Stuff
Wellington protesters’ extreme distrust of mainstream media – By Kristin Hall, 1News (TVNZ)
Tinfoil hats, Winnie, and the poo: Anti-mandate protest nears end of third week – By Virginia Fallon, Stuff (sums up most of the occupation)
Iwi take unprecedented stand against ‘abusive’ protesters who invaded marae – By Glenn McConnell, Stuff
Yesterday was New Zealand’s January 6. What happens now? – By Nik Dirga, RNZ (Full disclosure: I met Nik when he was a guest on the podcast way back in 2008, on episode 71)

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A new guest spot

I forgot to share this at the time it was released, but I was a guest on a podcast, the first time in nearly two years. It’s episode 8 of the recently re-booted “This week in Gay” podcast, and is called “LGBT life in New Zealand with Arthur”, though as is often the case, the conversation was quite wide ranging, with lots about New Zealand in general, too.

I’ve known the host, George, for many years now, and we’re both part of the Pride48 group of LGBT and LGBT-friendly podcasters, so it was like chatting with an old friend. I said that the podcast is a reboot, and as it happens, the premiere of the original version of the podcast back in June, 2011, though the recording is no longer available (I may have a copy somewhere).

In any event, I had a good time, and I’d like to thank George for having me on.


AmeriNZ 260 – Two Dog Day

This episode is a little more laid back—and shorter! I start with an update on what I’ve been up to, talking first about what I did today with the dogs. I made a stop on the way home to pick something up—could more video podcasts be on the horizon?

I’ll do a separate post on my podcast site on how to subscribe to Audioboos—mine or Pride 48. Look for that later.

Next, I talk about the latest in the NZ election, and I change my mind about something I’ve talked about before—or have I?

I’ll be joining Nigel for his The Third Colony show on Saturday, July 30 at 9pm EDT (Americas; 1pm Sunday, July 31 NZ). Come play with us!

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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AmeriNZ 256- Big Deck

I start today with some updates on NZ news stories I’ve talked about earlier—or, I think I have. I also talk with the trouble caused by supposedly mainstream Maori politicians going to the annual conference of an ultra-fundamentalist “church”. From there, it’s other updates—things Nigel’s talked about and, finally, a couple other things going on.

Links for this episode
Politicians and destiny – My blog post on the polls I mentioned.
Campbell Live segment (may not be available outside New Zealand)
Farpoint Radio
Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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AmeriNZ 249 – Starting again again

I begin today with an update on the Christchurch earthquake—including some unpleasant stuff. I always try to be honest. I tell you what I think of it all. Our emergency kit is updated. The deadline for messages to Christchurch has been extended. I have extensive comments this week, which lets me expand. After that, I have an update on what’s going on with us.

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

Link for this episode:
It’s 2am: Letter from Christchurch – the post I read from

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AmeriNZ 240 – Live Stuff

This show was recorded live on Pride 48. I had no guests at first, so it basically starts as a normal episode that I recorded live. I begin by talking about the US television series “Glee” which leads me talk about two teen lesbians in Melbourne, Australia, who were banned from their school ball. I think things really are getting better. A high-profile NZ TV celebrity has come out. I’m kinda meh! about politics these days, but I talk a bit about some quasi-political things I got up to here in New Zealand.

Veritable Virgo joins me part way through (22:49). I screwed up and forgot to hijack the Skype conversation, but I edited out the one-sided recording before I fixed it. Once I did, we talked a bit about television, lots of meta stuff and, well, just stuff. Oddly, my sound quality improved once I added the Skype call.

My next AmeriNZ LIVE podcast on Pride 48 is scheduled for Thursday, November 25 — Thanksgiving Day. So, my next planned live show will be Thursday, December 9 at 8:00pm EDT (Americas, 2:00pm Friday, December 10 in NZ). Catch Veritable Virgo next Thursday, November 18, for his show on Pride 48. He alternates Thursdays with me.

Nigel will be hosting The Third Colony LIVE on Saturday, November 13 at 9pm EST (Americas; 3pm Sunday, November 14 in NZ) on Go to for chatroom and listening instructions.

Links for this episode
Lesbian couple banned from Melbourne ball
Alison Mau comes out: “Yes, I’m bisexual”
Veritable Virgo’s site

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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This podcast makes you a winner

Courtesy of Satyr69 come this screen shot of a recent game of Qrank, a trivia game on iPod Touch, iPhone and Facebook. Of course, listeners of the AmeriNZ Podcast got this question right. So, education is clearly one more service this podcast provides. (yep, I’m being playful—so hard to convey that in text…)
