AmeriNZ 310 – Winterish

amerinz_podcast_150x150After a little bit of weather talk, I begin the first topic, a recap of my periodontal procedures. More recently, I had a gout attack in my hand. Sigh. Then, I talk about a couple things in the New Zealand news and one from Australia, too.

Check out the new AmeriNZ Facebook Page!

There are several ways to send me an audio message—this earlier post lists them.

Links for this episode
“Tooth tales” – My post on the first procedure
“Root of my problem” – the second procedure
“Dictating the future” – My blog post where I talk about the gout attack
“A crime in the neighbourhood” – My blog post last year on the murder
“Blessie Gotingco trial: Guilty of rape and murder”Stuff
The NZ flag – your chance to decide – NZ Government page on the referendum
“[Australian] Labor [Party] to introduce bill legalising gay marriage”The New Daily

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AmeriNZ 295 – Waiting

We’re waiting for stuff, especially a three-day holiday weekend. We’re doing some stuff, may do other stuff. I was a grumpy Kiwi the other day, which gives me a chance to talk about some items in the New Zealand news—including a cat fight, a story that was reported internationally. I update the hosting search and also tell you about my pushing for a better deal for podcasters.

A new 2Political Podcast episode is scheduled for next week.

There are several ways to send me an audio message—this earlier post lists them. (

Links for this episode
Grumpy Kiwi – my blog post on three NZ news stories I mentioned
Cat fight – A NZ news story that went international
The annual increasing number: 54 – my blog post on my birthday
The birthday message I played is from the Big Fatty Online podcast
Fourth Anniversary – my blog post on the fourth anniversary of our civil union.

Please leave a written comment, an audio message using the SpeakPipe widget, or on Audioboo or Skype (user name on both is AmeriNZ), or send an email to arthur{at] (you can email me an audio file, too, if you want).

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Another guest spot

I was a guest on another podcast, Pink Wheelnuts Garage. The episode is: PWNG-019 Commonwealth Attack. I was there with Mark in Canada (an American expat in Canada), Scotty the Little Aussie Battler, That Peter G (the only one in this show living in the USA), and the host, The Fey Driver, who is Canadian. It’s an eclectic show, and was a lot of fun to be part of. Check it out!


AmeriNZ 288 – Mutiny

This is not a typical podcast—recorded by a guest host, and very short. But it was all done with good intentions. A normal episode next week.

Links for this episode
Quake threat in Wellington lower than thought – NZ Herald
Remember Auckland before the Sky Tower? – NZ Herald

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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AmeriNZ 285 – Better

This is just an update podcast: Today and this week are both better, and even the weather got better. Yep, had some good developments this week—and one not so good one that still turned out okay. Once again, comments let me expand on topics. There’s even an easter egg this episode.

Links for this episode
Arthur and Paul Talk – our new podcast. The site has subscription information.
Roadshow lessons – My blog post on the Adobe Roadshow

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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AmeriNZ 239 – Fifteen

Today is my 15th expataversary and anniversary, so I talk about that first. Then, updates to a couple topics I’ve talked about on the podcast before I move on to the main topic today: Comments. They’ve piled up a bit, so today I clear out the inbox. You’ll see why I NEVER use a written script. Yeah, that’s a good thing. Still, that lets me comment on a bunch of different stuff. Finally, I tell you a bit about the transition to the new Auckland.

Join me for the next AmeriNZ LIVE podcast on Pride 48, scheduled for Thursday, November 4 at 8:00pm EDT Americas (1:00pm Friday, November 5 NZ time). This is subject to change, however.

Splash Home

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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AmeriNZ 175 – Where was I?

amerinz_podcast_150x150It’s now been nearly two and a half weeks since my last “normal” AmeriNZ Podcast. But, things are back to normal (so-called) now. 2Political Podcast is now fully spun-off, so those episodes won’t prevent me from doing two AmeriNZ episodes per week.

In preparation for resuming a normal podcasting schedule, I update some things I’ve talked about (it’s easy for these sorts of updates to pile up). I start with an update on needed changes to NZ criminal law. Then, it’s on to why I won’t provide any immigration advice. The NZ Prime Minister, John Key, is in the USA and will deliver the Top Ten List on David Letterman. The new Auckland Council has been established by Parliament.

The next AmeriNZ Live group show podcast is Thursday 8pm North America time, 12 Noon Friday in New Zealand on

Links for this episode

New Zealand Immigration Service.
Blogger told to stop advising on immigration.

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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AmeriNZ 170 – 070809

Today is 07/08/09 in this part of the world and I have to observe such an auspicious occasion, which is apparently a once-in-a-lifetime event. After that, I talk about something that’s killing dogs. Then, Dames and Sirs—a gay man turns down a knighthood.

Links for this episode

UK article on 07/08/09
Toxic algae prime killing suspect
New Zealand’s Titles and Styles of Knights and Dames

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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AmeriNZ 153 – After the holiday

amerinz_podcast_150x150Easter and our holiday are over, so it’s back to normal. I begin by talking about some useless information about Easter, then a bit about our time off. Then, finally, I tell you a bit about the new Auckland, and that features some special commentary. Be back later this week with a 2Political Podcast.

Link for this episode
‘Star Trek’ on the red carpet post on my blog.
Little Aussie Battler.

Please leave a comment, ring my US Comment Line on 206-666-5172, or send an email to arthur{at]

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AmeriNZ 67 – Summer Holiday

Episode 67 is now available, and it’s free no matter where you get it from. You can listen to it or download it through the player at the bottom of this post, or subscribe for free through iTunes here (you must have the free iTunes player installed). You can also listen to it for free through the player on my MySpace page.

This episode: Auckland had a holiday weekend. Thousands were amused, if only to have a three-day weekend in summer. Christian youth in New Zealand parachuted to music. New Zealand’s election campaign is underway, sort of.

First up today, I tell you about Auckland Anniversary Day, which was yesterday. That means talking a bit about why there are no provinces in New Zealand. But there’s also something about how the day is celebrated, and how our own holiday weekend went.

Some 27,000 youth took part in Parachute, a Christian, so-called, youth music festival. It’s the largest outside the US. TV News coverage of it was a bit creepy, I thought.

New Zealand’s 2008 election campaign got underway today, sort of. The Leader of the Opposition gave a speech today, and tomorrow the Prime Minister will do the same. This is unusual, and I tell you what’s behind it all. The real, official election campaign won’t begin until later this year.

A recently-passed law has given me pause. I tell you why, even though, on the whole, I think it’s a good law. This also means talking a bit about recent NZ political history.

In Australian news, the Aussie Foreign Minister is in the US and has said that his country’s leaving Iraq won’t harm US/Australian relations. Australia will also be keeping their citizenship tests. I’m not a big fan of such tests, and I’ll tell you why.

Comments create the opportunity for my podcast to be part of ArcherRadio. And more, of course.

Happy belated birthday to David Byrd of That Blue Jeans Guy and to “the Boyfriend” (as in Archerr’s boyfriend).

Leave a comment or you can email me at amerinz(at} or ring my US listener line on 206-339-8413.

Links for this episode

iSay iSay iSay

Blue Savannah by Erasure iTunes USA Store or iTunes NZ Store. You can also buy Blue Savannah through

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