A new year, a new start. That means updates, starting with the holidays and moving on through the diet as well as some things a bit more exciting (for me, anyway…). Then, it’s a whole bunch of updates about various podcasts I’ve been part of, including this one. The voicemail phone line is no more, so I offer some suggestions on how you can send me an audio message.
We’re recording a new 2Political Podcast this week, and there will be a new The Third Colony on FarpointRadio.com soon (maybe even this weekend!). And THIS podcast will be back again soon!
By the way, I’ve made a slight change to the way I do links: They’re still clickable on the website, but I’ve also included them in parenthesis so people can get the links from the MP3 file details without having to go to the website. I wanted to try this to make sure it works the way I intend it to before I mention it on the podcast itself.
Links for this episode
I was a guest on “Pink Wheelnuts Garage” (http://amerinzpodcast.com/?p=1539)
“Arthur and Paul Talk” is no more (http://amerinzpodcast.com/?p=1542)
There are several ways to send me an audio message (http://amerinzpodcast.com/?p=1549)
Please leave a written comment, an audio message using the SpeakPipe widget, or on Audioboo or Skype (user name on both is AmeriNZ), or send an email to arthur{at]amerinzpodcast.com (you can email me an audio file, too, if you want).
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