AmeriNZ 116 – A Canadian Mark

Joining me today is one of my “e-friends”, Mark from Slap Upside the Head, which is one of my favourite sites on the Internet (his motto: “Combatting bigotry the gayest way I know how”). Mark was last on the podcast on Episode 51 back in November of last year.

Canada is having in election in October, so we talk a bit about that, and also about the elections in the US and New Zealand, all of which are happening relatively close to each other. What’s happening with proportional representation in Canada? We also talk about the nature of political parties, in Canada and elsewhere.

Some Americans talk about moving to Canada if McCain wins. Is that realistic? We even talk about the controversy about the “Hockey Tonight” theme. Do you know what the national sport of Canada is? Yes, we Do talk about sports!

Please visit Mark’s site!

Links for this episode:

Mark’s last time on the podcast:
AmeriNZ #51 – Mark from Slap

Escape to Canada trailer

Pooping puffin pulled from Tory ad

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Guest Appearances

Okay, so my schedule has been crazy lately, and I haven’t had time to record. But if you’ve missed me and you just can’t wait until I post my next episode (yeah, right…), I’ve been on two other podcasts recently:

Ramble Redhead Episode 244: Turning the Microphone Around – Tim Corrimal and I turn the tables and interview Tom for his Third Anniversary Show. We tried to ask him some of the questions Tom asks his guests. I have to say, it was a lot of fun “Ramblizing” Tom.

I was also on Dubious Intent DNC Commentary Wrap-up Episode where the host, Daniel Brewer, Chef Mark and I talked about the Democratic Convention, the upcoming Republican Convention, and a whole bunch of things related—and not so related. Did you know I was the only guest on Daniel’s late lamented CallBox 7 podcast?

A new AmeriNZ Podcast is scheduled for tomorrow.


AmeriNZ 91 – Monique Rhodes

Episode 91 is now available, and it’s free no matter where you get it from. You can listen to it or download it through the player at the bottom of this post, or subscribe for free through iTunes here (you must have the free iTunes player installed). You can also listen to it for free through the player on my MySpace page.

Today’s special guest is New Zealand singer/songwriter, Monique Rhodes.

We talk about Monique’s music, her career, and her debut album, “Awakening”. Monique uses many online avenues to promote her music, and we talk a bit about the opportunities the online world offers to independent musicians.

Monique lives in France most of the year, so we even talk a bit about being an expat. Naturally, we talk about New Zealand as well, along with some of what influenced Monique’s development as a singer/songwriter.

She was wonderful to visit with, and I thoroughly enjoyed our chat. I also really enjoy her music. You can buy it through her website,, as well as through iTunes. Complete links are below

Leave a comment. Or, you can ring my US listener line on 206-339-8413. Email at arthur{at) You can also still use my other address, amerinz[at)

Links for this episode:
Monique Rhodes’ links:

Podsafe Music Network
Monique’s website
Monique’s MySpace page

Buy Monique’s CD on CD Baby
Amplifier music site
iTunes (USA)
iTunes (New Zealand)

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AmeriNZ 30 – Tuesday Talk

Episode 30 is now available. You can listen to it or download it through the player at the bottom of this post, or subscribe for free through iTunes here (you must have the free iTunes player installed). You can also listen to it for free through the player on my MySpace page.

I begin this episode with a brief look at comments, then it’s on to today’s main segment, a conversation with a listener, Yorky, who is neither a podcaster nor a blogger. He was back in New Zealand briefly so we took advantage of the chance to meet up.

We talk about a lot of things, including how he and his partner, who’s an American, tried to live in the US but had to come up with a creative solution to be together. Yorky also offers a listener’s perspective on podcasts. Special mentions go to Matt Blender’s Okay So Radio and, of course, to Archerr (ArcherRadio). Will Yorky and his partner return to New Zealand some day?

Being new to recording using my digital recorder, I neglected to put in fresh batteries, so quite a bit was lost. Sorry. Are you a listener who’s always wanted to be on a podcast? Send me an email! We can work something out.

Special congratulations to Archerr on 500 episodes of ArcherRadio!

Leave me a comment at or send an email to me at amerinz{at)

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AmeriNZ 27 – Nigel Too

Episode 27 is now available. You can listen to it or download it through the player at the bottom of this post, or subscribe for free through iTunes here (you must have the free iTunes player installed). You can also listen to it for free through the player on my MySpace page.

Nigel’s back!

Nigel joins me again today. He’s recovering from a cold, one he seems to have shared with me. Please pardon the coughs (I tried to edit some out).

We take listener questions as our starting point, then I ask Nigel’s perspective on other listener questions I’ve already answered. Both provide loads of new information, including especially Nigel’s perspective on my early days in New Zealand.

We end with an email from a listener with a question about New Zealand in the news, then a listener comment from Japan. There’s even a (very) brief appearance from one of Nigel’s sisters.

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AmeriNZ 20 – Cabbages and Kings

Episode 20 is now available. You can also listen to it through the player on the right hand side of my blog, or on my MySpace page.

Work is being done at the house today, so I can’t record a regular episode. Instead, I’m posting a chat I had with my friend Jason (his blog is here). We’ve been friends for many years. Is such a long-term friendship as rare as it seems to us? We also talk about moving beyond high school, which is related to us still being friends after all these years. Jason also talks a bit about his travels, especially his trip to New Zealand last year.

Leave a comment, or send an email to me at amerinz[at] Feel free to comment at Jason’s blog, too.

The title for this post is by Lewis Carroll (from Through the Looking-Glass): “The time has come,” the Walrus said / “To talk of many things: / Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax– / Of cabbages–and kings– / And why the sea is boiling hot– / And whether pigs have wings.”

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AmeriNZ 19 – A Special Guest

Episode 19 is now available. You can also listen to it through the player on the right hand side of my blog, or on my MySpace page.

Joining me today is my very special guest—my partner Nigel! Mike Hipp of wins the imaginary prize for guessing correctly.

We begin by talking about Nigel’s childhood in small-town New Zealand and what it was like. What was the first thing Nigel bought with his own money? And what was the first record he bought? He then explains some of how New Zealand has changed, sometimes radically, in his lifetime.

What’s it like for Nigel being Maori in modern New Zealand? Is there racism? What about friction between Maori and other Polynesians?

Nigel also shares his impressions of the US, a place he loves to visit. What were some of the things he noticed? What American thing would he like to have in New Zealand?

Then we talk about some silly stuff, including shout outs to Archerr, Tom the Ramble Redhead and Kalvin of Hello Waffles, whom Nigel doesn’t even know. Of course Nigel was just kidding about Nik in Paris’ comment on Episode 18.

Leave a comment, or send an email to me at amerinz[at] You can send an email to Nigel there, too, and I’ll forward it. Probably.

Update: I’m also on the special Friday Group Chat on ArcherRadio, which you can get here.

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AmeriNZ 8 – Talk with Archerr

AmeriNZ_Podcast_150x150.jpgEpisode 8 is now available, another talk episode. You can also listen to it through the player on the right hand side of my blog, or on my MySpace page.

Shocking revelation in this episode!

I took a break from work to talk with Archerr of, one of my must-listen-to podcasters. Despite my having had too much caffeine, we talked of many things: Music—80s music in particular (apologies to Tim Corrimal for getting his past guests mixed up), where Auckland is, north and south in the mind’s eye, names for the voices for in-car GPS systems. Driving on the other side of the road. Talking to the past and the future. Why no photo of Arthur on the blog? Arthur reveals some shocking information—well, it surprises Archerr, at least. Frappr comes up, as does blog posting and stuff beyond podcasting. Tech talk about digital video and still cameras (when I talk about tape, I mean analog, btw).

Also, be sure to check out my two-part guest spot on Ramble Redhead’s podcast.

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